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The Year of the Pig “Blessings for All the Family” Partially Gold-plated Silver Medal

The Year of the Pig “Blessings for All the Family” Partially Gold-plated Silver Medal
Product Information

The Year of the Pig “Blessings for All the Family” Partially Gold-plated Silver Medal


99.9﹪Pure Silver


70 mm


5 oz

Maximum Mintage

3,000 pcs


The Year 2019 is the Chinese lunar year of Ji Hai, the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Pig. This image was designed and executed by Professor Chang Ker-chi, a painter in the Chinese gongbi tradition (meticulous brush technique). The image is of a heart-warming gold-plated scene of a sow with her piglet. The pig, symbol of perfect happiness and joy, represents a surfeit of blessings and an atmosphere of peace and prosperity.


The image features a multicolored peony blossom in the foreground of a window lattice patterned after the shape of ancient coins. Together these illustrate with special clarity the significance of the Chinese characters hua kai fu gui which translated mean “peonies in bloom symbolize wealth and dignity.” The fine gongbi painting of the peony blossom in the image is also the work of Professor Chang Ker-chi.